Sunday, July 7, 2013

Week 3 Activity 12: Open Educational Resources (OER)

Explore Ted-Ed, Khan Academy and MIT.* Find a lesson that you could use with your students.(Hint: World Language teachers, search Humanities) If you can't find something to use with your content-area students, find something you might be able to use with your own children, nieces/nephews, homeroom students or other group. Save a link to the resource you found most engaging, include the link in your blog post for this week. Be sure to label/tag your post with Activity 12. Also, remember to comment on the blogs of at least three other classmates.

The resource I find most engaging is the MIT Open Courseware. It offers lessons, links to lectures with embedded demonstrations, and best of all it's title is "Chemistry In Action" which depicts science as an active learning experience!  By following the link, science teachers and students can hear directly from the experts. In these videos you can learn about content, visualize direct applications, and hear from the MIT scientists planning and implementing real research. 

Link to MIT Chemistry in Action Video

1 comment:

  1. Keep digging through the OER resources. For science teachers, they are the gift that keep on giving!
